National Cybersecurity FFRDC (MITRE)

A Federally Funded Research and Development Center at MITRE, serving the cybersecurity needs of the nation’s business and critical infrastructures, the FFRDC supports maritime and transportation industries.

The National Cybersecurity FFRDC is the nation’s first FFRDC devoted entirely to cybersecurity. They are part of the MITRE Corporation, established in 1958 as a non-profit corporation working in the public interest. Companies with cybersecurity products that may be applicable to the development of reference cybersecurity architectures useful to specific industries or cross-industry solutions should contact them.

Products and Services
  • Collect and disseminate information (and/or resources) for
    • Mitigation
    • Response and recovery
  • Analysis for
    • Relevant information and trends
  • Provide members
    • Access to a library of adversary tactics, techniques and procedures
    • An environment to form committees, working groups or special communities of interest
    • A platform to encourage member sharing
  • Additional service for members
    • Participation in exercises
    • Develop and maintain relationships with relevant government agencies