The Information Sharing and Analysis Organization Standards Organization (ISAO SO) today announced that Rob Joyce, Special Assistant to the President of the United States; White House Cybersecurity Coordinator will provide a keynote address at the inaugural International Information Sharing Conference in Washington, D.C. The International Information Sharing Conference will be held on October 31 and November 1 with participation from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

Rob Joyce was named White House Cybersecurity Coordinator in March of 2017. In this position as “Cyber Czar,” Joyce leads the cybersecurity initiatives within the White House. Prior to this role, he served as the Chief of the National Security Agency’s Tailored Access Operations (TAO) organization. Joyce served at the NSA for over 25 years, holding various leadership positions within both NSA missions: the Information Assurance and Signals Intelligence Directorates.
Joyce’s participation in the conference underscores that information sharing is a topic with wide bipartisan support. President Obama’s Cybersecurity Coordinator, Michael Daniel, spoke at the ISAO SO Public Forum in 2016. Daniel praised the selection of Joyce when he was named to take over the position earlier this year.
The inaugural International Information Sharing Conference will focus on benefits and best practices in information sharing, the importance of analysis in building a national cybersecurity information sharing ecosystem, cross-sector sharing and intelligence exchange, state and local information sharing, and services provided to information sharing organizations. The conference will conclude National Cybersecurity Awareness Month.
Registration is currently open on the ISAO SO website. Detailed presentation information, full speaker biographies and confirmed panels and presentations will be made available on over the coming weeks. For additional updates, follow @ISAO_SO on Twitter.