The two-day event, with the theme Improving Information Sharing, will be conveniently located in the Washington metropolitan area on September 11-12, 2018 at the Hilton in Tysons Corner, Virginia.
Take advantage of the early bird rate of $295 now through May 31, 2018!
The conference website is hosted on isao.org and also features information on the upcoming IISC, including a Call for Speakers, a detailed sponsorship page, and information on the hotel and venue.
In addition to attendee registration, the ISAO SO is also accepting nominations for the Information Sharing Hall of Fame Awards to be presented at IISC 2018. To learn more about the Information Sharing Hall of Fame, and to nominate an individual or organization, please visit our nominations page.
Finally, the ISAO SO is still accepting speaker proposals for IISC 2018. Opportunities are available to give a presentation or demo or suggest a panel.
Visit our Call for Speakers page for more information and to submit your proposal.