The Center for Infrastructure Assurance and Security ISAO (CIAS-ISAO) is a geographically-oriented information sharing organization that is focused on assisting states, tribes, local jurisdictions and territories in establishing a comprehensive cyber security program.

This approach is designed to assist geographically-based communities to be prepared to detect a cyber-attack, develop plans to respond during an attack and what to do after an attack has occurred. The CIAS-ISAO also works with communities to develop cross-sector, public and private partnerships to share responsibility when preparing for and detecting cyber threats. The CIAS-ISAO uses the Community Cyber Security Maturity Model (CCSMM) to address five focus areas that help to prepare for how a community should respond before, during and after a cyber-security event of incident.

One UTSA Circle
San Antonio

Hosts an online DISCUSSION SPACE

Hosts an online
shared with members

An environment to
or special interest communities

Provides members
a platform to encourage member sharing

Participates in exercises

Supports efforts to
develop the cyber workforce

Develop and maintain
with relevant
government agencies